The Kelsey B. Diamantis TS Scholarship Family Foundation, Inc. dba Dollars 4 Tic Scholars will award a minimum of one $1000 scholarship per year to a deserving student with Tourette Syndrome who will be attending college. The scholarship will cover tuition costs, books and fees and will be in the form of a check made out to the accredited institution in the student’s name.
We will be accepting applications every fall to be awarded in the spring. Students may apply by completing our application. Our recipient(s) will be awarded based on multiple criteria.
Depending on funding, we hope to award multiple scholarships per year. As we grow, we will also consider repeating scholarships for worthy students who reapply. Non-recipients may apply in subsequent years.
Please note: As of October 2023, Dollars 4 Tic Scholars is no longer accepting scholarship applications. And we did reach our goal of at least one scholarship per year – please see our Accomplishments page.