Today I listened to a motivational call by my friend Glynn Hodges. Glynn leads a morning book reading called Motivation Here. (You can listen in at 8am EST Monday through Thursdays for the latest book and a dose of inspiration at 712-432-1500, access code 104317#.) Today Glynn read that how what you think about and what you expect translates into what you get for results. Probably not in those words, but that’s the idea.
If you have ever spent time reading encouraging books, you’ve heard this theory before. What you think about, comes about. I have spent time over the past year working on “Be, Do Have” instead of “Do, Have, Be.” Yes, I’ve committed to “being” someone who has started up a non-profit organization that awards scholarships to college students who have Tourette’s Syndrome.
I have researched and researched some more. (Thank goodness for Google!) I have read books, and scratched my ideas in notepads, and conquered a workbook on how to write a one page business plan for a non-profit organization. I have been “being” this non-profit organization leader.
Last week, on Saturday, May 24, 2014, I applied to to become a corporation. I received my incorporation papers! Then today, June 2, 2014, I applied for my Employer Identification Number (EIN) through the IRS for the organization. I could not wipe the smile from my face when the official IRS letter popped onto my computer screen. This is what I have been working for!
There are many more steps left in seeking my goal, the next of which is becoming a tax exempt organization. My accountant and I began filling out the IRS form 1023. I spent several hours this weekend working on all the attachments required, looking up samples of other 1023 forms and how they formatted their attachments, structured their bylaws, and filled out their answers. It may sound like boring drudge work, but honestly, to me – it was fascinating! Why? Because I knew every word completed gets me closer to my goal.
What’s that saying about be sure you like what you are doing and it won’t feel like work? That is how I feel about creating this organization. I can’t wait to help college kids with Tourette’s Syndrome by giving them an opportunity to earn a scholarship in recognition of the challenges of college ahead of them…and ultimately, to see how they can succeed in life with a college degree.
I have had my own business since 1996 in the public relations field, and I also have operated multiple home businesses during that time. None of them have given me the excitement that this non-profit corporation has provided. I know it’s going to happen. I’m living and being the person who, along with my daughter, is bringing it to life.
When a dream starts to form into reality, it is about the neatest thing ever. What are you passionate about?